Celebrate & Sweat With The Queen of Hog Hoops 🏀🐷

Happy March!! 🌸

I don't know about you, but the warmer weather is bringing my heart so much happiness. Even if "winter weather" is giving us the side eye & eyebrow raise, this past week has felt glorious outside!! Spring is around the corner and so are 8pm sunsets 👏

Sweet Story!! At the beginning of 2024 I was approached by Celebrate Magazine of NW Arkansas. They told me their March issue would focus on highlighting women in the community making a positive difference. Then they asked if they could feature me 🥺 I was and still am honored and speechless!! 🥳

Plus they partnered with me to create a completely brand new (and free) workout with the one and only Danyelle Musselman. So, you can click the image below to go straight to the new workout!

🏀 First of all .... HELLO beautiful Danyelle Musselman. She's the BEST part of our University's basketball team! Her drive, tenacity & joy for life is so inspiring. I have only met her a few times in person and always leave her presence feeling seen and encouraged.

Danyelle and I filmed a special 20-minute workout for YOU!! Equipment free, just need water and a yoga mat 🏋🏻‍♀️ 💪🏼 A perfect way to get your body moving in the morning, evening, or even on a trip!

I absolutely LOVED the questions Celebrate asked me. I shared about my upbringing, my unhealthy relationship with fitness in my youth & how this has empowered me to make fitness more attainable to all women. I'd love for you to read all the Health Tips!!

Will You Email Me This Week ??

I'm home by myself all week, creating some content and caring for our new family puppy! If you have any health, food or fitness related questions, I'm 100% kid-free and would love to reply back to your emails! Send me your story or struggles and I'd love to hear from you! - Brooke 💙


Helping everyday women find an authentic fitness home. Mid-40s Mom of 3 using her creative gifts to encourage and activate women to prioritize their daily food & exercise.

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